这是一款去除口臭的牙膏,他们更倾向从另一个角度诠释“去除口臭”— 针对亲密关系 ,拉近人与人的距离。虽然这是口香糖在做的事,但是牙膏是从根源上解决问题,而且效力更持久。他们采用更偏化妆品的扁管,把牙膏盖子的椭圆形截面微微调整,成为一个唇印,既提升了牙膏的档次感,又增添了独特性。盖子部分采用的磨砂半透明的工艺,管身附上一层类似皮肤触感的膜,让整个产品更加“性感”。logo中 K的曲线 也采用了唇线的造型去点题。准备好了吗?单手轻轻推开唇形盖,用嘴吸出牙膏,然后更加自信自如地去 kiss吧。
This toothpaste is designed to get rid of ozostomia. In another angel, shorting the distance between people. They adopt a more flat tube making a slight adjustment on the oval part of its lid to form a lip print so as to enhance the sense of grade and improve its peculiarity. There is an adoption of dull polishing designed, and a skin-like film covered on the surface. The K curve in the logo highlights the point of design as well. Push the lid, suck the toothpaste out of the tube, you will kiss beloved one with confidence.